Monday, July 20, 2015

The dangers of trying to be enlightened

RULE 1:- Dont try to act instictictively because that comes instinctively and not by trying.
RULE 2:- Dont try to act instinctively when you need to think because instincts is going to be yelling for you to think.

Enlightenment as its popular interpretation and popular ideology currently would be being in the most blissful of states because of the light in which one sees things. It is claimed that when one is enlightened, one would see things in "the whole picture" type of view. That view and state of being is achieved by getting rid of the ego, not being trapped in the scheme of the mind and knowing how to be in the now and having a distant relationship with thought. According to the most popular theory of being enlightened, there is a mind created state " the I" and Killing the mind created state "the I", would kill the old preception of self, create a whole new preceptiom of self into one with more true and whole prespective into things including and especially about self.

Though it is right to be skeptical, it may also be wrong to say that it is false. It may be true. We may need to be enlightened in such a way to see the whole picture. We may need to get rid of the deceptions of our own mind to see the whole picture about things, life and ourselves.
Obviously it would be great if one gets enlightened, but should one go all out in trying to be enlightened. How should one go about in trying to be enlightened.

My argument here is that it is God/nature that enlightenes meaning to say that beaing enlightened should come naturally and should not be the result of an effort and our way of beaing should be effortless.
Just beaing is exaactly what it is, just beaing. I mean that's the whole point right? If you are trying to be enlightened then you are trying. You are not just beaing. Meaning to say you havn't freed your self yet while the whole point of being enlightened is beaing free.

From what I understand trying to be enlightened is trying to be free. Beaing free should be and is natural. If God/nature has deemed you not free you will never be free no matter how much you try. So if one is trying to be free, one should try in a natural way because one is trying to achieve a natural thing.

I am not saying that one should not try to be enlightened but one's trying should not interfere in one's life and one's already gotten freedom.
As I understand it, there are very popular teachings that teach that in order to be enlightened, one should kill the ego, be in the now, forget about the past and future and think only when one desires not when one's mind desires. I am not saying that their claim is wrong. It may be right. But that doesn't mean that one should live one's life trying and take the God given freedom for granted. By doing that one would be missing out on life that is at hand and would be living a very unnatural life of trying to be free when one already has freedom.

I would suggest that if one wants to go in the path of trying to be enlightened, one should set up times when one would try such practices and maybe grow slowly in such ideas if they are natural. It should be done within program. After such a program one should live one's normal life as one would normaly do. But if one tries to apply such practices in a day to day life and wholy, as a principle in one's life, it would be unnatural because to begin with the whole point of beaing enlightned is beaing free. But here one is living a life trying to achieve freedom which already is granted naturally with the only requirement of not trying anything and just living as the heart wants.

Through evolution we have already adopted to a certain way of living, beaing and acting and reacting towards situations. Nature by itself has made us adopt and has decided and granted a certain natural way of beaing for us. Any way of beaing that doesn't come instinctively comes from our thought process. So generally one of the characteristics of beaing free is basically acting instinctively during times where we don't need thought process or times when we are better off without it because in this prespective beaing free is already having enough and not struggling for anything. So in such times trying to obtain some way of beaing would be against nature and can be considered a sin against nature. Because in the process one is trying to act instinctively and freely while acting instnctively comes instinctively and not by trying.

Living a life wholly trying to be enlightened is guaranteed a hell lot less enjoyable and with a lot less freedom than that of just living life as nature has made us to be. Not only that but one would be thinking and acting unnaturally and would be in a lot of unconfortable situations because of the fact that it is simply a sin against nature itself.

It should be noted that if one wants to live a life of enlightenment wholly as one's way of life, one should be in the path of nature. It is only God/nature that can enlighten. If one is truely enlightened, one shouldn't have to try anything to achieve any state of beaing because that state of being would come naturally. All one would have to do is forget about the idea of trying to achieve any state of beaing, forget about enlightenment and just live and be.

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