Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Ten reasons why it is not moraly wrong to eat meat. (Criticism on veganism)

I have read a couple of arguments stressing the idea of how moraly wrong it is to eat meat and dairy products. We have to know that like every argument, there are two sides to the debate. Today I am here to argue beaing in the side that it is not as wrong as pro vegetarians or pro vegans are claiming it to be.
Keeping the reasons why it is moraly wrong to eat meat aside, here are some reasons why it is not moraly wrong to eat meat.

1) Nature, By nature I mean that we have naturally adoped to eating meat. We are omnivorous animals. Meaning nature has given us the go ahead to eat both meat and vegitables. If we wern't given the ok by nature,
- we wouldn't have canine teeth
- we wouldn't be able to digest meat properly, and it would have been poisonous to us.
- we wouldn't be naturally atracted to eating it.

2) Most animals that we have adopted to eating have sentiment free goalless lives. Animals excluding humans have no goals, aspirations, deep sentimental feelings, moral convictions and other values that would have made it moraly a lot more challenging for us to kill them.

3) Other animals eat other animals naturally anyway. Both carnivorous and omnivorous animals eat other animals. It is natural. The don't argue wheather they should eat them or not. We have to remember here that we are omnivorous animals.

4) This practice has been passed down from generation to generation since the begining of the existance of humans where things when done purely by instincts and the natural way of doing things. They were not wrong to eat meat then because they did it out of instincts. We, their forechildren, the same spicies naturally wouldn't be wrong by doing the same thing.

5) Naturally, they provide energy for our survival.

6) This reality to begine with is a " survival of the fittest" reality.

7) They are not aware of it

8) They dont show any moral objection nor resistance about their dying.

9) We are one of their natural preditors

10) They would eat us alive if they ate meat and had a chance to like all meat eating animals do to other animals.

It is still a moral battle between the left side and the right side. Morally, we should still let them live as decently as possible as long as they are alive. The argument on wheather it is moraly right to kill animals for our consumption is very debatable as everything we do is debatable. I would say according to nature it is not. Moraly, It is not compleatly wrong to do so since nature has burdened us with the ability and collective desire to eat meat and by instinct we have done so since the begining of the existance of human kind. Nature giving us tools to do so(like desire, natural ability to kill, chew and digest)  means it is the go ahead sign from nature. Go ahead sign from nature means its natural. Ok its natural. We got that out of the way. But the thing is we have a choice and we can live without eating meat. The debate is the desire to eat meat vs the life of an animal. Animals that we eat have no goals, no dreams, no knowledge of whats happening, no sentiment and other qualities which would have made it a lot more difficult morally to argue that it would be ok to kill them for the sake of enjoyment or survival. The other factor that would have made it really hard moraly to kill them is the knowledge of dying and the resistance that would be put in order for that not to happen which animals don't seem to have. Even if animals switch to fight or flight mode when they are in danger and in pain they don't really know and think about death like we do. Also aside from the fight or flight mode of struggle that they show, they don't have a moral objection and moral resistance themselves which would have made it morally impossible for us to kill them for our enjoyment or survival.

Life of an animal or enjoyment?
Like everything else in life, things should be looked at and be done in accordance to balance. So when we look at this case, it is between the worth of the animals life and our desire to eat meat. Why shouldn't we enjoy our meat? Trying to be morally right right? Well, whether we know it or not, like everything we do, trying to be moraly right is something that we do for our benefit. How so?  to benefit our consciousness or not to be at conflict with our consciousness. Becsuse not beaing right with our consciousness would have consequenses. So we have to balance the two in our mind to be moraly right for ouselves and do things we like, it would I think come down to our personal feelings and consciousness and would ultimately come down to which outweighs which.

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