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Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Gravity in the realm of thought?

Gravity as we know it is a law of physics. General relativity explaines the most accepted reasoning and scientific explanation behind it as of today.

When smaller objects get closer to bigger objects the bigger objects attract and pull the smaller objects because the dent that the bigger objects create on time space continium is much steeper than that of the smaller ones.

But anyways bigger objects have the legal right to pull smaller ones towards them.

This being accepted and true, a somewhat simmilar force like that of gravity can be seen working in the realm of thought.

Reasons that suggest that forces similar to gravity exist in state of thought.

1) We are compelled by some forces to act(or the forces have exerted a pull on us in order to act)

1.1) Whichever action it maybe that we do, we have been compelled by some force to do so.

1.2)  Feelings, desires, convictions and all that push a person to act in someway are pulls.

2) As we get closer to any pull the pull gets stronger and the harder it is to get out of the pull.

3) As we get farther, the pull gets weaker and the easier it is to get out of the pull.

4) There is an end to a pull as we acomplish the deed and satisfying a want is the acomplishment.

How gravitation works in the world of thoughts

5) First, The reciever of all feelings is the the person


5.1) Feelings can't just happen there needs to be a feeler

5.2) There are preset values set by nature on the person. Eg pain, pleasure, good feeling and bad feeling. The person naturaly seeks pleasure and avoids pain, discomfort and displeasure because feelings and their basic interptetations of them are preset. Eg pain, pleasure, tiredness etc all have different interpretations and effects. Meaning one would feel those feelings together with their interpretations(good or bad) whether one likes it or not.


5.2.1) There are such things as preset good and preset bad. Feeling bad is naturaly a no no and feeling good is naturaly the oposite in terms of feelings for the feeler.


5.3) As a consequence of the preset values, the person can have good things or bad things happen to it due to preset interpretations of feelings in different circumstances.


5.4) Whatever values not preset and are to yet to be set are only ways of accomplishing the fulfilments of those preset values.

Eg:- Say a moral conviction about something is not set and is yet to be set.
To set a moral conviction one would have to reason.
By reasoning one would chose what is moraly right in one's eyes.
By chosing what one thinks is moraly right one would satisfy the "feel good about self action and fairness" part of a naturaly preset characteristic one already has.(If one has one). Or it will for sure satisfy some preset value that one naturaly has or else there wouldn't even be the effort to set those values as the drive to set those values must have come from another force that wants satisfaction by setting up those values.

5.5) When one decides in certain situations there are different pulls that affect the person but it is mainly the preset pulls affect the person

Eg:- Whether or not to rape another person

Things that play a role.

5.5.1) The person

5.5.2) Feelings. Main preset feelings meaning likes and dislikes, pleasures and displeasures(with the added effect of personal reasoning) learned feeling(learned through what the comunity and others did and do and ethics of the comunity and others) preset feelings(with added effect of reasoning) and learned feeling and also natural strength and  resistance of the person together would be the contributers for the outcome of the conclusive feeling that one may eventualy decide on.

The conclusive feeling is always a means of accomplishing a desire or desires of a preset feeling or feelings.

Meaning the conclusion would always satisfy some preset characteristic of self like happiness, fairness, survival, ego etc.

In this case if the conclusive feeling decided upon raping, it would have satisfied the pleasure and enjoyment part of preset feelings. If not, it would have satisfied either the caution, moral fairness, sympathy or other specific part or parts of preset feelings. Standing by conclusuion depends mainly on strength of person as other feelings may sway the person away from the pulls of the conclusion as time goes by.

6) What does the pull pull if the person is only experiencer?

6.1) It pulls the experiancer because the main parts of what the experiencer would want and not want is already preset(happiness, satisfaction, pleasure, displeasure, pain, comfort etc). Interpretation of major feelings(especially from our sense organs) are already preset.(like pain, pleasure, cold, heat, relaxation, worry, fear etc) Values not preset and that are yet to be set are only ways of satisfying  preset values as seen above.

So to summerize

7) Preset values decide which way the person would get gravitated to and to what extent. They decide what the person would be pulled towards and against.

Eg:- Feeling of pain and pleasure. The person would naturaly be pulled away from pain and towards pleasure.

7.1) Since the basis for what one considers good and bad(in terms of feelings) is already preset, the magnitude of how much a person gets gravitated towards something is only the magnitude of the effect that the preset value has on the person

Eg:- If a person is getting hands burned, the person would be gravitated towards pulling the body part being burnt away from the fire.

If there maybe are other things that one may be gravitated towards doing, at that time, the magnitude of the gravitation towards pulling hand away from fire would most likely out gravitate almost any other gravitation that the person maybe gravitated towards doing at that time. So the person takes that action.


If one is to decide whether to eat an unhealthy but delicious food or not while being obese, the preset feeling of wanting the pleasure of eating and the preset feeling of wanting to be happy and healthy by losing weight or wanting to exalt the ego are some of the major forces that have the power of pull.

Strength and resistance would have a say in the course of the action.


Monday, September 14, 2015

Freewill? (Factors for human will and action)

Freewill. What is free will? "Free will is the ability to choose between different possible courses of action"Free will(wikipidia)

" “FreeWill” is a philosophical term of art for a particular sort of capacity of rational agents to choose a course of action from among various alternatives." Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy

Is there such a thing as freewill?

This question has been and is still being debated by philosophers and other fields of study. It is a topic that is being debated for more than two melenia.

Outside of the field of philosophy, though opposed by incompatibilists, one of the main fields that maybe involved in this topic is quantum physics on whether or not particles have deterministic nature.

Though it may be just a hypothesis, the following tries to elaborate the writer's idea and self theory on how human choice and action is made.

The following ideas are in opposition to the idea of free will.

1) Freewill, the idea itself denotes freedom to will.

So,  what is freedom? There are many definitions but lets take the one that would make sense in this situation. Freedom:- exemption from external control, interference, regulation, etc. dictionary.com.

So to have freewill, one must have exemption from all those listed above when choosing.

1.1) But it is evident that unless one is without motive and feeling, or void of any sense and emotion, it is impossible to be totally free of any influence for any action for every living thing is burdened with motive, sense and character and is doomed to be influenced by atleast one thing when choosing or acting.

1.2) Everything in this universe behaves according to the laws of the universe. Therefore it is the laws of the universe that forces it to act in everyway that it does. We are part of the universe.

2) There are different forces in contributing to the choice or action a person may make or do.

I) The person
II) Feelings
III) Chance or law of nature
IV) conviction(reasoning and logic included)
V) Ego
VI) Chatacteristics like IQ and resistance

2.1) The person

Who is the person? The person is a different entity to feelings emotions thoughts, convictions and ego

2.1.1) The person is the reciever and interpretor of all senses, feelings, emotions, desires and convictions.

2.1.3) The person is also the responder or one who responds to different pressures of senses and feelings. The person intakes those pressures and it acts upon them accordingly.

2.1.4) Q) Why the person or what is the use of the person? To recieve and interpret senses, feelings, emotions and the like To reason and think Reasoning and thinking helps in Understanding a situation better so to make a better decision. To act or respond. The person is the actor and responds to pressures of feelings in accordance to the pressures and person's nature or inclination.

2.2) Feelings:-

To feel:- "to be aware of (something that affects you physically) i.word.com

But here since we are talking about mental state we would include all that affect the mental state and say "To be aware of (something that affects you phisicaly, mentaly, emotionaly and in whichever way that your mental state can be affected in) "

2.2.1) Feelings are natural pressures that affect the person, and the person's response to take action or to choose.

There generaly are

I) Feelings from our sense organs
II) Feelings of the mind(Emotions, sentiment and desire) are examples.

I) Feelings from our sense organs are concrete and not manipulatable naturaly.

II) Feelings of the mind like emotion, sentiment and desire can many a times be controlled or inhanced by another thought or conviction.

2.3) Chance

"An accidental or unpredictable event." thefreedictionary.com

2.3.1) Whether chance plays a role in a person's action and choice is uncertain. But even if it does, the tottality of a person's action or choice is not determined by chance.

2.4) Convictions:-

Conviction:- "a fixed or firm belief" source

Convictions are beliefs that the person believes are concrete.
Some convictions come naturally while some through reasoning and logic.

2.4.1) Reasoning

Reasoning:- "the process of forming conclusions, judgments, or inferences from facts or premises." dictionary.com

- The act of reasoning is action of the person as a response to feeling of uncertainity, curiousity or other feelings that may lead to such action.

Usualy Its an act for better understanding of things

After the better understanding, our feeling and inclination can take over based on the conclusions to make a choice or decision.

Reasoning leads to convinctions

2.5) Ego:- "your consciousness of your own identity" vocabulary.com

The ego is the self image that the person has of the self.

    Putting all the above in mind

2.6) Just as a person has physical characteristics, the person has mental characterstics  which are natural.

It is to be noted that these characteristics are also feelings.

They are natural tendancies or feelings of the person that they themselves contribute in making the person feel and respond to different situations in a certain manner.

These characteristics include

2.6.1) Inclination:-  Implies what force that plays a role in decision making, naturaly gravitates a person and to what extent.

These imply the likes and dislikes of the person
Meaning the extent at which the person is pulled towards either a feeling, conviction, ego or any force that affect the person during situation y at a mental state of z.

This naturally varies from person to person as inclinations varry from person to person.

2.6.2) Resistance of the person(Weight)

Resistance of the person(weight)
implies the person's inclination to stick to something the person already believes in or stick to the state that the person already is in. One of the characteristics of the resistance of the person is resistance to change.

For example, those who are naturaly more resistant to change are less likely to go along new ideas as opposed to those who are naturaly less resistant to change and are less prone to new  pulls

Also those who are naturally more resistant to change are less likely to move from their convictions and get pulled by other feelings easily. Being more change resistent gives the person more resistance towards any pull from the state that the person is already in Being more change resistant gives the person more resistance towards any pull that may try to drift the person from the convictions that the person has already set. Resistance or weight can also increase or decrease in different situations via knowledge, understanding and convictions. Because if the person can access reasons(forces)(as reasons are influencial factors in decision making) that can repell certain pull or push, the person would have added resistance(weight). The same goes the other way around.

2.6.3) IQ of the person.

IQ of the person plays a great role in determining the choice one makes

Because A person with higher IQ may know better or more options and thus may choose accordingly. A person with a higher IQ can add or decrease resistance according to desire as a higher IQ is a lot likely to figure out how.


3) The person being reciever, interpreter and responder just as everything else in the universe does, the person only recieves pressures, interprets it according to interpreting capacity and responds according to magnitude of pressure, direction of pressure, and resistance to the push or pull(weight).

Meaning to say if a choice of A and B is presented towards the person, what would determine the choice is

I) The person

II) The magnitude of pull A and B have separately on the person towards them.

III) Resistance(weight) of the person.

Resistence plays a big role because


III.I) If the person is in state where he constantly chooses A over C or D for a long time and a choice of A and B is presented, a person with more resistence to change is more likely choose A as opposed to a person who is not as change resistent.

III.II) If a person is given a choice of A and B and if the person has convinced self not to take choice B but the natural urge and feeling pushes the self to taking choice B. In this case the resistance(weight) of the person matters a lot in how easily the person falls for new ideas and takes the choice of the desires instead of convictions. Resistance here helps in sticking to convictions and not easily allowing self to be taken by other forces.

Resistance works the same way in different situations as well.

So what the above states is

-  Factors that determine a person's will are the person, inclination(feelings, included), convictions, IQ, and resistance(natural and added)

-  Natural tendencies of a person including feelings can be natural characters of the person. 

- The person also can have resistance(weight) as a character.

- Resistance can be added to and subtracted from via reasoning conviction.

In short it can be said that the factor that determines a person's choice is "what influential force(in deciding and acting) gravitates the person to an extent x in situation y at mental state z."






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Monday, August 31, 2015

The difference between being and not being is only now.

1) Question:- Is something something even if it ends.

Answer:-  That something is something when it is something but when its not, its not(For itself)


1.1) What is being something? It is being whatever it is that it is. What is being?

'To be' is to exist, to occur, to take place. https://www.google.co.in/search?_e_pi_=7%2CPAGE_ID10%2C4835760478(type being for result)

To occur

Things can only occur when they occur. When they dont, they dont.

To exist

The best definition I like is  google's definition which is "in existence or operation at the current time."
https://www.google.co.in/search?_e_pi_=7%2CPAGE_ID10%2C2768304109(type existence for result)

- So it is "in existance or operation at the current time". If it is not in existence at the current time, it is not existing or being since there is no other time.

Looking at it in a logical way, it can not be that something when it clearly is not. But it is when it is. So when it ends being that something, it clearly is not that particular something anymore. As far as it is concerned(Without an outside observer), it is not that something period. No extention to that definition is allowed because it just is not(The something is not).

X is something on time Y(X is on time Y)

X is not something on time Z(X is not on time Z)

So, X is not on time Z means it is not existent on time Z.

So on time Z, X is not or is not existent.

So whilst on time Z, is there an X as that particular something? No.

So In time Z, X is not existent as that particular something which is X so there is no X.


1.2) That something may have a residual effect on other things  that it came in contact with or somehow affected in anyway when it was that something even if it is not that something anymore.

2) Same goes for us living things as individuals.

2.1) As an individual, when the individual is no more, it is no more

2.2) As an individual, what happens next is unknown but in this realm of existence and also talking according to logic and reality(which is reality that we are in) there is no such a thing for the individual because there is no such a thing as that individual at that time or after the individual dies.

2.2.1) So is there an individual after the individual dies? No

2.2.2) Was there an individual? As far as the things that the individual affected are concerned, yes. Because that individual caused some kind of effect on them.(If it did)  As far as the individual is concerned, even the question would be inexistent and invalid.

because the individual is not there to have any effect of it.

Also For the individual, being dead after existing would be the same as not existing at all.

Proof The state that the individual is in during the time it didn't exist is 'no state' The state that the individual is in after individual dies is also 'no state' At 'no state' there is no present, past or future since there is no state to begin with.(This article argues there is no past and future per se even if something or individual exists).
At 'no state' there is no such a thing as the individual. Thus both and are the same in everyway possible because there is no way to compare them since both are not existent and are not available and are both inexistent.

So what is the difference between existing and not existing?

3) The difference between existing and not existing or being and not being is only now.


3.1) As stated above, one of the definitions of 'to be' is 'to occur'.


Things can only occur when they occur and no other time.

the concept of time may just be an illusion.

" Time may have no independent existence it may be just a common unit of motion making the world that is filled with motion easier to describe." http://www.timephysics.com

3.2) Something can only exist in the now.(In its own now)

3.3) There may not be such a thing as time per se but occurrences.(again things can only occur when they occur).

3.4) Can something be in the past or future?

- No it can not. Why? Its very hard to explain but

3.4.1) For something to exist it has to be. Something can not be anywhere else but the present. Even the verb be points twoards that.

3.4.2) If we say something is in the past, it is a contradictory statement because the verb 'is' denotes present.

3.4.3) Same for the future. If we say something is in the future, same contradiction.

3.4.4) The moment something becomes, it is present and can not be any other way. It can only be when and only when it becomes.

4) So being or existing is always in present. So the present is the difference between being and not being or existing and not existing.

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Thursday, August 13, 2015

7 differences between '0' and 'nothing'

Zero:- "0(zero;BrE:/ˈzɪərəʊ/orAmE:/ˈziːroʊ/) is both a number[1]and the numerical digit used to represent that number in numerals. It fulfills a central role in mathematics as the additive identity of the integers,real numbers, and many other algebraic structures. As a digit, 0 is used as a place holder in place value systems.Names for the number 0 in Englishinclude zero,nought or (US)naught(/ˈnɔːt/),nil, or — in contexts where at least one adjacent digit distinguishes it from the letter "O" —ohoro(/ˈoʊ/). Informal or slang terms for zero includezilchandzip.[2]Oughtandaught(/ˈɔːt/), as well as cipher, have also been used historically". wikipidia

Nothing:- "Nothing is a pronoun denoting the absence of anything. Nothing is a pronoun associated with nothingness.[1]In non technical uses,nothing denotes things lacking importance, interest, value, relevance, or significance.[1]Nothingnessis the state of being nothing,[2]the state of nonexistence of anything, or the property of having nothing". wikipidia

Nothing does not and can not be defined since it does not exist.


1) There is a '0', but there is no such a thing as 'nothing'

2) Total nothing is inexistance and therefore inexistant and thus can not be seen, touched, heard, thought about or imagined since it does not exist. 0 is to be realized. eg 0 potatos, 0 energy, the number 0 etc

3) 0 is a number and number is something

4) 0 is a something(a number) used in a system of counting and measuring.


4.1) There is always a _____ after 0. eg 0 potatoes, 0 energy. Other than that, there is no such thing as 0 by itself unless "the number 0" which is a number thus something.

and thus

4.2) Since it is in a system of counting and measuring, there is always the counter, measurer or comprehender and can not be without a counter, measurer or comprehender. On the other hand 'nothing' doesn't need or have or can't have  anything(like counter, measurer or comprehender)

5) '0' can be a result of a minus and plus of a same number and those numbers also can be made from '0'. Hence '0' can be a result and also other results can be derived from it. 'Nothing' can't be a result because
i) A result is something
ii) A result to begin with needs preexistance or existance of things that it is a result of.  But total nothing is inexistant, has never existed nor will it ever exist. There is nothing before or after it as there is no it.
Also, there isn't anything that can be derived from it because there is no it.

6) Something can be added or subtracted to '0'. But there is nothing that can be added to or subtracted from something that does not exist.

7) 0 is a concept, while 'nothing' can't be conceptualized.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Faith in a higher power

Belief:- Mental acceptance of and conviction in the truth, actuality, or validity of something: the free dictiinary

How and why should one accept something as true or false. Should it be blindly or reasonabhly?

Faith:- Faith is confidence or trust in a person or thing or a belief not based on proof. wikipidia

1) Faith is a type of belief

2) Faith is a step taken to believe in something when a belief is not strong, concrete or justifiable enough to be absolutely sure.

3)  Even so, to have faith in something still needs some kind of evidence.
There is no faith without evidence
  eg :- To have faith in someone when giving that someone an important task, one atleast needs an evidence of the capability of the person.

4) Faith is naturaly believing in something when there is a probability in one's mind that that something may not occure, happen or be there. But if one has faith towards it, the probability in one's mind weighs towards the thing that one has put one's faith on. Meaning that one would somehow put one's confidence in that thing that one has put one's faith on occuring, happening or beaing there.

5) Faith is natural and is determined unconsciously rather than consciously
eg1:- To have faith on one's friend lending one money when one is in need, that faith is predetermined by the way that friend acted before during such situations. The faith one would have would be predetermined by the previous situations and the courage to ask would also be predetermined subconsciously by the previous actions. If that friend is a type of person that would get angry at such situations, one's subconscious mind wouldn't give one the courage to ask. (This would be observed to a greater magnitude if, at the time of the incident, one stops and thinks to decide whether one has faith in that particular situation or not)

eg2:- To have faith that the car one is in would reach the destination safely would greately depend on the history of the driver's driving record. If one has had too many accidents already, the faith will decrease to a great extent. Even more so, if the driver has never driven. So faith is predetermined subconsciously.(This would be observed to a greater magnitude if, at the time of the incident, one stops and thinks to decide whether one has faith in that particular situation or not)

            Faith in a higher power

Should faith in a higher power be blind or should it be based on reason? As I have mentioned above(with proof), there can be no faith without some kind of basic proof or evidence.
eg:- To be a christian, one either has to grow up in a christian family, where one trusts one's parents and the parent's faith affects one's faith. By beaing indoctrined christianity from childhood one would fill the unexplainabe(as there are many unexplainables in life) in life by the doctrines of christianity as an obvious answer. Or one has to be convinced through reasoning and evidence that fits and defeates one's mind and one's reasoning in that particular subject.

That beaing so, should the questioning and evidence searching stop at a certain level like what many theists do?(this is solely from my observation) Or should the questioning continue until one's reasonable questions towards that query is fully answered?


1) Should one have believe in a higher power in order to gain something in this life and or after or should one believe because of the simple fact that it is true?

2) Would a reasonable higher power expect us to believe in him/her blindly?

3) Would he/she reward those that believed in him/her blindly or those that believe in him/her with evidence?

4) Is it faith blindly or faith with evidence that is stronger and unshakable?

5) What is the big deal about believing? What difference does that bring to the higher power or self?

6) Say the higher power one believes in has no power over one in life nor in death, would one still worship that power?

         Things I have observed

From the religions that I know of, even though most to all are not conscious of it, unconsciously, the reason that people have faith in a higher power is

i) for that higher power to help them in their daily lives

ii) To live a better or ever blissful life forever after this life.

iii) To avoid punishment in this life and after from that certain higher power.


- There is no mention of other objectives in the motives as to why one should believe in a particular sect of faith than the promise of good life, reward after death and avoidance of punishment here and after life.
- If the motive for following a particular path of faith in a higher power is just because that it is a true path, the belief system should be based on evidence and search of truth rather than just faith.

Monday, August 3, 2015


Morality(from the Latin moralitas"manner, character, proper behavior") is the differentiation of intentions, decisions, and actions between those that are distinguished as proper functions and those which involve the omission of proper functions, the disjunction between right and wrong.[1]Morality canbe a body of standards or principles derived from acode of conductfrom a particularphilosophy,religion, or culture, or it can derive from a standard that a person believes should beuniversal.[2]Morality may also be specifically synonymous with"goodness" or "rightness." wikipidia

1) Morality is an ideological set of rules that one followes in one's standard of thinking and acting.

2) One's morality may be derived from society, religion, comprehention and nature.

3) Morality is an inescapable characteristc that a normal human beaing has and is unseparable from a thinking human.


3.1) A normal human beaing has to have a say(to self) about what one thinks is right and what one thinks is wrong about any thing or something that one comes across in one's life. One can't just stay indifferent to everything in life.

3.2) If one has one's own view about anything based on anything be it based on religion or social values or self value, one has morality.

4) The set of values that one has because of one's morality is not an an indefinite constant and are prone to change.


4.1) Say I believe in God and have certain values based on my belief in God and the commandments. Then say that I got into science and got convinced that there may not be a God.

4.2) I start following a different set of moral values that are not based on religion.
Which is a possible outcome

5) Moral values are set to be kept but are not always kept


5.1) Say I believe that premarital sex is wrong I shouldn't get involved in it because of my religious convictions.

5.2) I meet a tempting woman at a tempting situation.

5.2.1) I fell my values and have premarital sex.
Which is a possible outcome

6) Moral values do get in conflict with instincts.

6.1) Take 5.1, 5.2 and 5.2.1

6.2) Why did I fell my moral values and have premarital sex?

6.2.1) I fell because I had an instinctive desire to have sex.

6.2.2) But I also had a morality that forbid me from doing such an act.
Thus those two entities are in one and are in conflict.

7) Morality or moral values are not kept because the strength in which those beliefs have a pull on one is not strong enough to overcome the strength in which those instincts that oposes those moral values have a pull on one


7.1) Take examples 5.1 - 6.2.2 Which indicated that the pull that was exerted on one by instinct was greater in force than the pull that was exerted on one by one's morality.
If that was not the case the results would have been otherwise(One is a different entity)

8) What if the pull exerted on one by both is equal.

8.1) (One is a different entity)

8.1.1) When in the process of making a decision, one choice has to be made

8.2) In the case where both forces are equal, decision would be made according to the inclination one takes during the time of decision.

8.2.1) So if these two forces are a pull, they get stronger when closer and weaker when farther just like gravity.

8.2.2) Getting closer is entertaining the idea more. Farther is not entertaining the idea The more one entertaines either of the pulls, the more force either of the pulls have on one and vice versa.

8.3) So one can either strengthen or weaken a pull by entertaining it or by not entertaining it.

9) This is only true, if both forces are true.