Wednesday, April 30, 2014

What is reality?

It is human nature to ask , wonder and seek the truth. While wondering, one of the topics that raises the highest curiosity on us all would be 'what is reality'?....... So what is it?
Reality is hard to explain but to try, reality is something that can be witnessed or experienced by the beholders. It is also truth and existence. If it exists it is reality.
Reality is arguably debatable and also not certain except for the reality of experience itself. It is arguable that there are many realities outside of ours. Meaning to say that there are things that may exist but we can not experience them because of the page of reality that we are in. Anything that lives in that other page of reality can experience it. Also those on another page of reality cant experience ours.
Reality again is debatable. What some may consider unreal and imaginary may be argued by others as real and that most can't experience them.
So reality is actually uncertain and debatable and the only way that we can be certain of it is by experiencing it. Even then it is debatable whether or not what we experience is actually what we think we experience. The only reality that is not debatable is the reality of experience meaning to say us as life. There is no denying that I exist.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

A very controvertial but a very proper and useful advice

There probably are millions if not billions of advices given to different people at different times. There are advices for many situations. But the biggest of them all in its usefulness would be advice given for life in general. In that situation as funny as it may seem, this is one of the more proper advices that one may ever get. Here it is.

Have a wide scope but follow only one path, be open minded but if whole heatedly convinced don't look the other way, try to know all but ignorance may be your bliss, be brave but fear may save your life, take risks but be ever cautious, do what others do but don't follow the crowd, be quick in action but patience pays, be very serious in life but have a blast, never forget where you came from but the past is always dead to you now, have a goal and a plan for your future but know that tomorrow may never come, hold firm but let loose, be calm but veracious, be wise but being a fool may give you happiness, know that people are generally good in nature but don't trust people, stay as far away from danger as you can but taking risks has better results, be innocent but cunning, know that there is nothing new under the sun but know that every second and everything is always new. 

Life has no sense of humor!

Life as a whole by itself is an entity, exists and has life. Life as a whole has its own way of recognizing and its own pace of change and growth. Life is understanding, eager to survive, serious and responsible. It is also complex, complicated, very hard to grasp and full of experience. It also has diverse properties like cruel, unforgiving, cunning etc. We can know all this by looking deeply in its expressions as we ourselves are expressions of life. But life absolutely has no sense of humor if we look in any of its expressions. Isn't that humorous?

What is moral?

Moral is a set of conviction that a person acquired about life and the way to live. Morals of one steer a person in a way that a person is convicted. Its not only morals that play a role in the way a person lives but also strengths, weaknesses, feelings etc. One sticking to the moral values that one believes in through thick and thin, high and low maybe said to have good moral strength. One choosing moral values that would most benefit one, one's state of happiness and also others may be said to have intelligent and good moral value.
So moral is just a set of rules that one believes is right to follow in life and in situations that arise in life. 

Monday, April 28, 2014

What is moral strength?

What is moral strength? It is nothing but stubbornness. Having a strong moral strength means having a stubborn mind. Having a stubborn mind makes one resistant to other ideas than the morals that one is already indoctrinated with thus giving one the title of having a strong mind or moral.
The laws of physics also work on ideas and thoughts. How can we identify a strong metal and a weak one? It is simply by testing their stubbornness thus their resistance. The same applies to our mind and way of thinking.
So strength means resistance and resistance comes from stubbornness. But having a good moral or an intelligent mind is a whole different issue than having a moral strength and strong mind. Anyways this teaches us that the indoctrinations that our children learn should be watched of with vigil and care. Because a strong mind wont let other ideas come between him and his convictions. But one should not be fooled, that doesn't mean that that is an intelligent mind.

What is life? What are the theories of creation of life?

Life is an entity in a realm that stands as a witness to all things that exist in reality. Life arguably is the only witness there is to existence. It also is a witness to the actuality of existing. It is a witness of existence first and then a witness to existence. One shouldn't get it mixed up.
Life being a witness, is also an expression. It also expresses and has expressions. it is an expression that can also express.

Creation of life 

There are many theories on how life first started. Here are the most acceptable ones by many.
1) The scientific view:- The scientific view of creation is that life began by accident as chemicals and acids and the condition of the environment of the earth at the time mixed up and brewed up the first life forms which are simple cells.
2) The creationism view:- Almost all ancient religions believe that life was created by a higher power even if they differ in the name of the God and also in the specific details of how God or a higher power created it. Here are some major religion's view on how life a higher power created life.
 i) Christianity and Judaism  - According to the holy Bible and the Torah, in the beginning the universe, the world and all that dwell in it was created by God within 6 days.
ii) Muslim:- According to the holy Qur'an, Allah(God) created all living things from water. Islamic view of creation somehow connects with the scientific view but in Islamic point of view Allah(God) deliberately created life and then humans separately from others.
III) Buddhism :- According to Buddhism there is no beginning and and to anything and everything constantly gets recycled.
IV) Hinduism:- Hinduism also shares the ideas of Buddhism. Although different in describing it Hinduism also believes in constant cycle of everything. Although god Brahma is said to have created all in Hinduism, Hinduism believes in constant creation and destruction of everything.
V) Sikhism:- According to Sikhism God created the universe the earth being part of it and life as well. Sikhism believes that life and the universe have been evolving since then.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

How to change bad habits

Habits are hard to break because of the simple fact that they are habits and the body and mind are used to such actions or thoughts at certain periods of time. Habits obviously form addiction at the end. 
It can be said that the best cure for habits is prevention. Not being in any habitual addiction is one of the greatest freedoms. Any addict trying to recover will tell you that the worst day was the day they picked up the first whatever to use it and get in a habit of using it that they cant stop and may have to go through hell if they don't do what ever it is they do.
If a person is determined enough and divisive enough, it is possible to break bad habits. Here are a few sensible ones.
1) Admit that you have a problem:- What is meant by admitting is admitting to oneself. By admitting one will definitely will be eager to find a way to tackle the problem.
2) Be serious about wanting to break the habit:- Just admitting to self that you have a problem may not be enough. But admitting and wanting to change the habit is the kick start to breaking the habit. One has to be serious about wanting to break the habit or the inner stamina will not be high enough to seriously tackle it.
3) The main thing is changing your driving motor :-  This is the main potent weapon of all. This is for addicts. It has recently been argued that addicts are born addicts. Well it doesn't matter. Once one wants to change bad habits one should try any way to stop those habits. But the enduring change will come when one changes one's driving motors. Meaning to say, goals, desires, aspirations, philosophy towards life etc. When the mindset of one is in a mindset that doesn't allow such bad habits, one is for sure to stop the habits for good. This is a total shift in mind so is not easy to do and not something that happens in a short time.
4) Don't be around agents that will tempt you to fall off the wagon:- One has to be in an environment where triggering agents of the past habit are not around. Otherwise during times that one is trying to change habits, the temptations would be too hard.
5) Get involved and sink in to a life style that doesn't tolerate such habits:- Be around and be involved with people and environment that are totally against such habits and create a life around that environment. That would prevent one to return back to old habits because one would be afraid of loosing one's life.

What is Truth?

Truth is something that is hard to define or underline. Everything in nature being open to argument conceptually, it makes it hard to underline on truth or even conceptualize it. If truth is to be an answer to questions, truth is the correct actuality on all the possible conceptual or experiential questions. If not, generally, truth is an actuality of what is. Yes, truth is just actuality. 
The truth is more understood with certainty by experience rather than conceptually. In fact some argue that anything not experienced may not be true at all. The only way to be sure of the truth is to experience it and there is no other way around it. Even science supports this.
Life is a witness of the truth. Or maybe truth experiencing the truth. How can we know that for sure? Well life is truth since we experience it and can be sure to be actual. Whatever we experience is also the truth since we experience it and can be sure of it. Then logically both are truth.
So what is actually true and what's not? Well the best answer I can give is that there is an old saying "live and learn".

Saturday, April 26, 2014

How to overcome fear of the unknown

Fear is a natural feeling that almost all creatures have. It is part of the natural defense system that helps prevent us not to go to dangerous situations that may put us in dangers way. it is very useful in preventing us from danger. But sometimes we may still be drowned in fear when it is unnecessary and that fear may prevent us from living a stress free enjoyable life and from spending a quality time during certain situations.
There are many types of fears. But now here are some tips on how to overcome fear of the unknown.
1) Know that all there is is Energy, Matter and Life:- Of course there may be other things, but they are not excessable to us. Law of the universe doesn't allow other things from other realms to be in this realm. Also whatever that we may fear out there that maybe unknown is life, the same in basic entity as us.
2) Know that death is not at all something to fear:- It is natural for all lifeforms to fear death. It is because we don't know what is out there after death. But does not knowing justify a terrified state of fear? What if it is real peace and tranquility that we may find after death?
3) Know that nature doesn't allow us to bear anything more that we can handle:- By nature, life shuts down its ability to experience when the experience is something that is more than it can handle. It is the same in all lifeforms.
4) Science confirms there is nothing out there that we can directly experience other than what we already know:- If you are afraid of ghosts or any unexplainable phenomena such as that, science confirms with detailed study that you should not worry. If you believe in it, your mind may play a trick on you. But there is nothing such as that out there that we can directly experience according to detailed study throughout generations.

What is the ego?

The ego is a state of awareness that exists mainly in humans and very mildly in animals. It is an existence outside of the physical reality but connected to it because it exists in the process of the existence of the physical existence. It arises mainly of a concern, a concern of what others think of one or even of what one thinks of self and thus a feeling of great shame or great glory when the outcome of what others think about one is felt. Even though the ego is no material, it is a solid existence beyond the control of our conscience.
The ego is very powerful. It can have a major effect on the state of our moods and desires.
As an existence itself, it wants to survive. It wants to survive to the extent that it may even require the death of a person in order to survive. It also somehow gives an illusion that it will survive after the death of the person and as the everliving reminder of that person.

Friday, April 25, 2014

How to succeed in life

Success is something that can be said to have many definitions. But success in short can be defined as an achievement of a premeditated goal. Success is very important in our human lives. It has no or little relevance to animals. Success is a reward achieved for our desires and our actions implemented in fulfilling those desires. There are lots of ways on how one can be successful. Here are some ways.
1) Have a definite goal:- The first step in succeeding is to know what exactly one wants or if not exactly have an area of destination in achievement.
2) Plan and devise away on how to achieve that goal:- This actually may take a lot longer than what most think. It also takes a lot of effort as there are lots of things to figure out. This is one of the most crucial steps in achieving a goal. When planning and devising a way, most if possible every possible outcomes should be thought through. This step is very crucial. If this step is not done properly, the whole outcome may be undesirable so this step is not one to be done in a hurry. This step can also be improved on on the way of achieving a goal.
3) Build up your confidence:- Confidence is one of the crucial ingredients in many aspects of life. Without confidence one wouldn't have the motivation or strength to go through processes and disciplines and implement them properly.
4) Implement the preplanned steps:- Plan without implementation is like a body without life. So serious thought and action is required on implementing the steps according to plans.
5) Keep your thoughts and desires on the goal:- If one's thoughts and desires get carried away to other things that may make the plan fail, it is very important for one to step back and think about what the goal means to one and get back on track.
6) Surround yourself with people that are suitable for achieving your goal:- If one surrounds oneself with people that may lure one from the path that one has decided to take to achieve a certain goal, one should be sure that one will get lured away. There is an old saying "birds of the same feather flock together". But if one surrounds oneself with people of the same type of desires one can almost be certain they will help tremendously in getting there.
7) Work hard and give proper praise for a step by step achievement.:- There is no escaping from working hard. If one wants to achieve something one needs to work hard. One should also give proper praise to self for the successful steps taken to get to the desired goal.
8) Watch, hear and read things that will constantly make you motivated towards that goal:- It is crucial to constantly be motivated. So it is always good to frequently watch about, hear about or read about things that makes one motivated towards that goal.
9) Always have a can do attitude:- Believing in self is a very crucial ingredient in success. In fact it can be said it is the main one. Always believe in self.

How to resist temptations

Resisting temptations are arguably the hardest thing to do by anyone ever. What makes it so hard is that temptations are feelings that tend to lure us into doing things that we like and enjoy or things that are easier and more satisfying for us while we shouldn't be doing them for a higher reason and purpose.

Here are some tips on how to resist temptations.

1) Stay focused on the main goal:- Temptations usually arise more when one shifts attention to other things and gets lured in to them in thought. The lid untightens and other agents like temptations are free to slide through.
2) Don't entertain temptations:- One might say that just thinking about the temptations is alright. But one is in for a surprise. Entertaining temptations is a sure path to failure.
3) Be asfar away as possible from agents that trigger temptations:- Agents that trigger temptations are gravitating. One has to know that the law of gravity also works on thoughts. So in order not to be gravitated by them one should stay away as much as possible from agents.
4) Try to build a wall around things that you don't want to do:- By building a wall, there would be a lot more at stake if one fails. So one is more likely not to fail.
5) Know that the longer you stay away from them the more power you get and sometimes to completely fall off the bridge all it takes is one:- If what one is trying to resist is something very serious, one must know that the longer one stays away from them the more power one would get. Also to completely fall off the wagon all it may take is one.  
6) Pray:- Of course this might sound silly. But if one has a higher power it might help to pray. One should not underestimate the power of prayer.
7) Seek proper help from proper people:- Sometimes letting people know what one is in might give one clues on how to overcome them when unexpected. The ideas of many is better than one.


Thursday, April 24, 2014

How to be happy

Happiness is arguably the most desired goal of all humans and arguably of all creatures that feel their experience in life. It is total happiness that we humans desire and strive for and we aim to get it in different ways. There are many theories on happiness for example, one theory says happiness is determined by genes, another says that happiness is something that is not to be chased. There are also theories of spiritual teachers like Buddha and others. Religiously it is said that finding God is the key to happiness and all there is on earth and beyond. It is hard to judge on and say who is right and who is wrong. To each his way...  But here are some tips that may help one on getting on the path of being happy and staying there.
1) Be true to self:-  The first step that one can take (if one hasn't taken it already) in order to be happy is to be true to self. To be true to self means to know the limitations and good qualities of self and accepting them in advert accepting who one is totally and unconditionally. After that try to overcome the limitations according to one's needs and desires. This is not a simple process and may take time to achieve(if not already achieved). But one needs to devote time and concentration on finding one's self. So one needs to be eager, patient and persistent. Eagerness will lead the way.
2) Face up to the limitations:- Once one knows the strong sides and the limitation of one's self(honestly), one needs to devise ways of improving on the limitations according to needs and desires. The key to this point lies on not running away from the challenges that one needs to face in order to improve on self. The challenges are within so there can not be running away from them as they are part of one. 
3) Give honest credit to self:- If one has done the above honestly, one is sure to have faced challenges and acquired wisdom about self. That means one has already overcome some or many challenges by sticking to them and facing them. Then one should see the challenges that one has overcome, it maybe within or outward challenges, one should give an honest credit to self and feel good about self. This boosts the confidence of one honestly.
4) Be flexible, optimestic and constantly learn from surroundings:- If all of the above is or has become a thing of the past or child's play, one should know that in order to be happy one should always be flexible and optimistic and should look at the positive sides of life as much as possible. One should also always learn from surroundings constantly.
5) Don't forget to be aware of self:- One should be in constant touch with self and have a constant check on self.
6) One should do things that one enjoys:- All the above is the basis for happiness. Then after that to make the walls, one should do things that one enjoys and slowly get in touch with one's happy side.
7) Generate enough money to treat self:- Without enough money, it is hard to be happy and to treat self according to desires. So one should have a stable income scheme.
8) Meditate:- Meditation is a sure path to calm the mind and the soul. So constant meditation will definitely lead to a happier, calm and peaceful result on self.
9) Be in the now, and don't get trapped in thought:- It is arguable that the final stage of happiness is to be in the now without getting trapped in the thought process whenever desired and whenever not necessary. Being constantly in the now without thought when thought isn't needed kind of stimulates the power there is in the now and that state of being in the now is kind of a blissful state that is hard to explain but exceeds the expectations of the state 'happy' and thus this elevates the state of one's happiness to a whole different level.

How to sleep better

Sleeping is very necessary for the rewinding process that all humans and most animals need daily in order to function properly. It is still not known precisely why we need sleep but without adequate amount, humans can not function properly as they would with adequate amount of sleep. If the state of constant sleeplessness persists it is known to be fatal.
That being the case, it is a known fact that most humans once, or maybe repeatedly face a challenge of insomnia or sleepless state and have a hard time sleeping. That in adverse affects the way of their lives, the way they function and the way they feel at daytime. So at times when it is hard to sleep, here are a few ways that can help in getting a good night's rest.
1) Stay away from Stimulants such as coffee, tobacco, alcohol and other drugs:-  It is advisable that one should not drink coffee at least 6 hours before bed. It is also reported in some studies that drinking alcohol 3 or 4 hours before bed can lead to early waking, sleep disruptions and can disrupt the sleep cycle as a hole.
2) Don't overeat before bed:- It has been reported that overeating before bed and in fact eating directly before bed disrupts sleep patterns and also cause obesity.
3) Eat properly and exercise properly:- Forming a habit of eating and exercising properly are sure paths to a healthier life and also healthier sleep.
4) Take care of situations that you have to take care of:- Sometimes our night's rest may be disturbed by our conscious not feeling at rest. That means that there is something in our life that we need to take care of or correct before our conscious or subconscious gets its rest. 
5) Don't get involved in your thoughts while trying to fall asleep:- This actually is a very potent and important method. It is normal for people to get caught up in their thoughts while in bed that they get carried away in the flood of their own thoughts and lose the precious sleep that they need. It actually is quite hard to stop thinking when we want. The best method to do so is, instead of getting carried away by own's thoughts try to just watch the thoughts as a different entity and constantly watch. That way, thoughts come and go before one's own eyes and slowly one will get drifted away into sleep.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Happiness is a reward generated by the brain that makes the one that experiences dwell in a state of high pleasure. Its opposite is sadness and sorrow.
Happiness usually has a limit and is short lived. It is arguably the main thing desired by all living things that feel their experience. It is in fact an arguable issue that the main purpose and goal of life itself is to be in a constant bliss and blissful experience forever. That is after knowing all there is to know.
Happiness has an opposite for a reason. The reason being in order to survive in the reality that we are in we need other types of experiences and its opposite as well in order to ensure our survival. The reality that we are in is a reality that everything has an opposite. It is not a suitable reality for total happiness spontaneously. If it were so we would have been created or have evolved directly to beings that totally experience bliss without any hurdles forever without death. In this reality there are many challenges and hurdles that may eliminate us and thus we needed to have other feelings that would make us prepared for the worst, tackle those problems, beat the competitions and etc. We can not overcome all those hurdles that are real just by staying happy all the time. Other feelings will make us get up and want to overcome those for our own sake. We needed the others just to survive.
It is arguable that the main goal of life is survival/experience together with happiness forever. As stated earlier in the state and reality that we are in total happiness without knowing the other side of our reality and evolving accordingly has disastrous consequences.
Argumentative points life itself doesn't want to experience unhappiness and happiness is the main goal.
- Automatically triggered death of experience once the limit of unhappiness or pain is reached
- All life forms strive for survival and happiness and avoid unhappiness and death.
- All the mechanisms we lifeforms acquired through creation/evolution are for the betterment of our life thus happiness
- It is logically unfair and stupid to exist for anything but happiness.
Consequences that would have come if living things were totally and spontaneously always happy before life understands and conquered reality and evolved
- It would prevent excellence via competition
- Sometimes it is good to have an opposite to appreciate happiness itself
- In our reality it would have put us in the face of danger and we wouldn't have survived
- Limit the total experience of life to happiness and would blind it of the other realities.
- Would prevent experiences such as love and desire because they have an opposite that come out of them which are very good for us in our current situation

                                                                                                       By Alazar Desta

When is it ok to lie?(Morally speaking)

We as humans living in  the modern age are taught not to lie. I also would argue that most of us were brought up that way. Lying as we were told is something which is morally demeaning and a shameful sign of immoral quality. I am pretty sure that most would agree with that idea.
Lying of course as it is understandable naturally, is not something of a good moral quality. But the question here is, when is it ok to lie?(Philosophically and morally speaking). Well lets first see what lying is. Lying is not telling the truth about something, some event or some story. It could be due to various reasons. No matter what the reason maybe, if the story told is not the truth, it is called a lie. Lets consider different scenarios.
1) Say you are in a middle of a situation, and the situation has it that if you tell the truth about a certain event, you would lose say a million dollars. But if you lie about the situation you would gain that money. Is it ok(morally) to lie at this situation? Can we logically say that a person lying in this situation is immoral?
2) Say you have nothing to lose or gain if you tell a lie or tell the truth. Is it ok(morally) to lie in this situation? Again can we logically say a person lying in this situation is immoral?
Ok, You probably kind of guessed it already. There is no definite answer to the question "is it ok to lie" at certain situations? and also to the question "when is it ok to lie"? The answer to the question is a question itself. The question is what moral values does the person lying believe in and follow? If the value that the person believes in and follows is that he should not lie at any circumstance, then it maybe immoral for that person to lie at any circumstance. But if the moral value that one believes in and follows is something that doesn't care whether one lies or not, one can lie at any circumstance as long as one has a reason to and it would not be immoral of one to do so. But then again even if one believes in and follows a moral value that forbids one to lie at any circumstance, and one still lies, nobody has the right to judge. Just maybe, it maybe logical to say that person does not have a good and strong moral value.

                                                                                                   By Alazar Desta

Monday, April 21, 2014

Real Belief

Real belief is a conviction that is present in one without one trying to believe. It is being convinced of something or some story without any physical or psychological attempt. When one is said to really believe in something, one believes in that something completely and wouldn't let that belief down because it is impossible to do so.
How should one believe in something? What is the reasonable way of belief in something? Should I lie to myself and believe in something I really don't? Can somebody enforce their way of belief on somebody else? Should I try hard to convince myself to believe in something? Personally I don't agree with all of the above. Not only that I do not agree with it, it is illogical, unreasonable and against God given nature itself because as I stated earlier real belief that has to come from deep within by really being convinced about it. Otherwise it would just be lying to oneself.
Let me try to reason that Idea. I strongly believe that I am alive and I have a deep conviction about that. I also do believe that I am writing this article right now. I am also deeply convinced about that too. Now if I try to disbelieve the fact that I am writing this article right now, try as I may I do not think that it would be possible. Now that is what is called real belief.
The same goes with believing. It should just come naturally. One shouldn't try to just believe in something. There is no such thing as saying "now I am going to believe". It is plain preposterous. Because if you really believe it it would be impossible to disbelieve even if you try. Just like I can not disbelieve the fact that I am writing this article at this moment however I may try.
Yes the term belief is that simple and people still go to wars over it. Killing for the sake of belief is overriding the already installed God given rule of instinct that God installed in us that killing someone is one of if not the greatest sins anyone can ever commit. I think that all Holy Books agree on that matter. May we ask what is it that that makes them go to wars for the sake of belief? For the other not being convinced enough of something that hasn't sunk in for that individual? Wow! This for sure backs the statement that God was really disappointed with his creation, namely man!

                                                                                                      By Alazar Desta

Friday, April 18, 2014

Life itself is alive.

It is an inescapable question that all humans must ask themselves or maybe others how we all came about. It is also unquestionable that whoever thinks about the question and the reality of our aliveness will definitely be mind boggled and shocked with amazement that the fact of reality itself is real but not graspable.
There are many theories on how we all came about and got the state of aliveness. The religious view says that God created all, all including life and us. I do not argue with that but since we are talking logic based on evidence rather than faith lets look at it in the scientific point of view.
Nowadays Darwin's theory of evolution is arguably almost fully accepted by the scientific community. According to the theory we all evolved and got to the stage that we are slowly from simple cells to the point that we are through millions of years of evolution. Simple cells evolved to complex cells, complex cells to multi cellular life, multi cellular life to bilaterians, bilaterians to incects and seeds, insects and seeds to amphibians and it continues to the stage that we are now. 
If we look deeply on the way that life evolved throughout, we would see that life evolved in a way that it would most increase its chances of survival in the environment that it is in. According to the theory of evolution two organisms of the same species would evolve differently according to the geographical location that they are allocated to. Both will evolve in a way that would best suit their survival in the new environment. Lets look at ourselves, we see that we have different organs in our bodies each consisting of systems, which themselves consist tissues, which again themselves contain cells (may not be complete and not in perfect order). From this we can observe that we contain a very sophisticated system within us which functions perfectly and accordingly. This complex and complicated system and its different parts function in coordination with eachother to sustain the life of the organism which as a better chance of surviving and a different way of experiencing life than its partitioned self as system, organ, tissue or cell. We should highlight the fact that each organ, system, tissue and cell are all designed for a specific purpose all there to play a role in the functioning of the organism. Now think. This all came from a simple cell. How? If there is no designing agent, how could this all be? How could this kind of complexity occur in different life forms in different ways and function perfectly in all? How is it that all organisms evolve according to the environment that they are in in order to be suitable for that environment?
It has recently been noted that the life experience that one goes through will be something that one will pass to one's offspring. It is an obvious fact that that is how life tries to overcome the challenges it faces. You see, it does not only pass the information of the experience but it also will create a way to tackle any problem that it faces continuously by evolving accordingly. 
The above definitely makes us stress the idea that life itself has life and that it stores information of what it has encountered and passes it to the next generation and many more generations and if there are problems that it continuously faces it tries to tackle it by giving us agents to tackle them like feelings e.g fear, or by making us evolve to an organism that is suited to tackle a problem it faces continuously.

                                                                                                                 By Alazar Desta

Monday, April 14, 2014


Humanity is a being of a species so called humans/homosapians or a being of a member of a species so called humans/homosapians. Humans as a species have gone tremendous length in distancing themselves from that of the status of animal ism to which one might argue they have removed themselves from the level of animals into a whole new level and category called humanism(figuratively speaking).
Humans can think and execute complicated ideas. With that on their side to benefit the next generation more than them, they can store and pass information from one to another or to another generation. With that the next generation can improve on the information passed and pass it to the next and it goes on.
Humans have an excelled level of thinking and information that they are begining to chalange their creator or nature Himself/itself. They are devising and have deviced ways of overcoming the limitations bestowed on them by nature.
In this planet, it is only humans that can question the essense of reality, it is only humans that can question the essense of themselves. Whether they have figuired it out or not is another question. 
What is the future of humanity? It is a brainstorming question indeed. Will humanity evolve to another species, will they stay the same, will they answer the ultimate question of reality and themselves, will they ever know what is beyond, will they be able to live in total utopia, bliss and immortality, will they overcome every challange that nature has burdened them with, will they reach an ultimate goal, will they be able to do the impossible are questions that all are for sure eager to know. But yet, if so, then what??
As it is proved in science it is impossible to know the future.(at least as of now). So the future would have to tell us itself.

                                                                                                    By Alazar Desta

Everything is an allowance

Time and space. Space time as commonly known is the most basic and the base of our allowance. Without them being allowed, nothing would have happened and nothing would have occurred. If there was no space things would not have been allowed to be. If there was no time things wouldn't have been allowed to happen. After these come the rest.
Life is an allowance to experience but life in this reality can't exist without a media. So our physical bodies are an allowance in which we can experience life with, our thoughts are an allowance in which we can review and study and make more out of life with.
We can not say that there just was vacuum to begin with then spontaneous creation like most scientific theories claim. Total absence of anything is still something if something can exist in it. It is a place allowed for things to be in. Nothing is not something that things can be in because if something can be in it, it is a legitimate place.
Total nothing is something we can not think about. We can not try to imagine it because there is nothing to imagine of.
So all even total vacuum being an allowance given the question begins. 

                                                                                                                By Alazar Desta

Friday, April 11, 2014

Nature is deceitful.

Nature is a very deceitful system if we look at it in the perspective of an individual which I beyond any reasonable doubt am convinced that we do have the unquestionable right to. One might question how. How is nature deceitful? The answer is very simple if you look deeply enough to a certain level on which I am not saying there isn't a deeper level of perspective on.
Look at us. Struggling to survive, striving for reward and running away from the opposite blindly without knowing the real reason behind it all. Well it is not our fault. It is the deceitful nature of nature that has entrapped us all without our consent. But wait there is more. Nature's entrapment is deeply rooted in us that we are so attached to them. It has given us many pleasures to strive for like appreciation, love, fame, power, glory etc. It also has given us displeasures to flee from like pain, shame, stress, sorrow, discomfort etc all in the name of getting us involved in life so that we will strive, achieve, and avoid things and in return ensure the survival and inbetterment of life. Unless involved in life completely and fully we wouldn't mind anything and thus our chances of inbetterment and survival sink tremendously. That is where the tactic and deceit come in. Being involved fully ensures our struggle for survival and thus increases the chances of our survival.
It is not fair. I didn't ask to be alive. Neither did I to experience pain nor pleasure. But I do anyway. Without those experiences, I wouldn't struggle. Nothing to strive for, nothing to avoid. This would just put me in the face of danger and even then I wouldn't have a thought.
The problem would arise when looked at a larger scale. If nobody wants or needs anything, there wouldn't be acts to ensure our survival let alone the next generation. There wouldn't even be a next generation since we wouldn't desire to do anything. Danger would come our way and we wouldn't flinch thus annihilation.
It is to ensure its own survival that life entrapped us in these feelings of needs, wants, fears, displeasures and so on. It is not fair since we weren't asked for our consent as individuals. There is just our emotions telling us 'there is danger get away from it' or 'there is pleasure there and you need it, go get it'. If we refuse then comes sorrow and pain which we feel without a choice. I mean it is just not fair.
There are of course deeper levels that we can go into to look at life. Which is that we are life itself. We are part of life. But there is a problem. The problem being that, if that is true, we were not designed to know it naturally and even if we did knowing it is not enough. We naturally do not experience the reality that we are life itself rather than individuals as individuals. That gives us the reason to argue that nature is deceitful and entrapped us all unfairly.

                                                                                                    By Alazar Desta

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


April 9/2014

What is shame? Why do we feel it? When is it that we feel shame? These are some questions that may fascinate some of us. 
Well shame is a feeling that is not comfortable to feel. It is directly or indirectly connected with what we think people are thinking of us. So it is a thing of the ego. Some kinds of shame are so powerful that some choose to die rather than go through them. It is usually on human beings that this feeling is noticed on. But according to some observations some animals show some kind of sign that they somehow feel it too. The level of shame in animals depends on their level of consciousness. As the level of consciousness rises so does the level of shame. It is also noticeable that shame is usually felt when around others. Feeling ashamed of ourselves is psychological pain and feeling let down by ourselves rather than feeling shame. The level of shame on humans again differs on the level of the ego. The bigger the ego the bigger the shame.
There are different kinds of shame that arise due to different situations. Shame usually arises in us when we don't meet the level of expectation of others or ourselves around others, when we feel we are lower than others, when we get brought down from a high level of egoistic state to a lower one in a short span due to circumstances and generally when we think that others are thinking low of us beyond our expectations.
Nature didn't give us shame without a reason. It has its uses and flaws. It is very useful for giving a drive for competition and thus our inbetterment. Without the ego we as humans living in a situated and stable environment wouldn't feel the need to compete. That in turn would let us down in the competition we have with nature and also would stagnate our inbetterment. We wouldn't be motivated to do better as much as we would with our ego. That being the main purpose from the aspect of our way of life it tells us that there is something to be done in the area to better improve our way of life.
It also has flaws. For example feeling ashamed where we don't need to, sacrificing life in order to run away from it, and others. It is embedded in us deeply throughout our course of history/evolution that we may feel sometimes feel shame on areas that we shouldn't. That happens because it was given to us by nature to improve on our flaws and to excel in survival. But it not being specified on the right reasons only, it may be felt on wrong reasons and on things that if reasoned out we should not feel about.
The good thing about its flaws is that we as humans can reason out and prevent it or at least lesson it  by reasoning and logic.

                                                                                                 By Alazar Desta

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Nature has eyes and sees!

 April 8/2014

Nature has eyes and sees. This notion is actually something that somehow opposes the scientifically accepted idea that nature is dumb but with power.
I strongly oppose that idea based on the countless things that are visible to us left for our judgement. It is very evident that nature does have eyes. Look at the way that our organs are designed. Everything was designed for a specific purpose. Our hands were designed in order for us to manipulate things. How did nature know that we needed to manipulate things and a hand could do it? Our eyes were built for us to see. How did nature know that seeing would be needed? Same goes with our ears, head, stomach, digestive system, reproductive system so on and so forth. All were designed and all evolved for a purpose. The purpose being that we needed them in order to increase our chances of experience and survival. The question is how did nature know that we needed them and that they would increase our chances?
Every species were designed in a way that is most suiting to their environment be it plant or animal. For example there are kinds of fishes that have exactly the same color as their surroundings. That helps them hide from their predators. That is a form of protection given to them by nature. But how did nature know that they needed protection of any kind in the first place? Better yet how did it know the color of their surroundings? Mind boggling isn't it?

                                                                                                       By Alazar Desta

Monday, April 7, 2014

Who is mentally challenged and who is not?

Folks, who are we to judge who is mentally challenged or not. I know that we all are guilty of categorizing people. But the question is do we know all there is to know. I doubt that. We never will. Who is mentally challenged? Is it someone who walks naked on the streets? If so who says that dressing like the majority was sanity and by the way what is the use of cloths? What if that person is not feeling cold and maybe happier and more comfortable that way? Or is it someone who sees things that we don't? If so who said that what the majority sees was the only reality? Is it someone with a lower IQ? If so we all had lower IQ when we were little. Also who says that IQ is the determining factor in sanity? Those who we consider as to having a lower IQ maybe happier than us. Maybe being happier is being more sane. Who are we to categorize?
                                                                                                   By Alazar Desta

Friday, April 4, 2014

Everybody makes mistakes. But everybody is always right.

Mistakes are one of the inescapable results of the actions of human beings. Being a human it is impossible to be perfect and without mistakes. I would definitely argue that there can not be a single person who hasn't made mistakes, hasn't said yes while wanting to say no, hasn't regretted things wishing to have done them better or in a different way.
I am sure that nobody would argue with the fact that every human makes mistakes. But can we really blame somebody for making a mistake? Is it philosophically right to say that so and so made such and such mistake and needs to be punished in such and such way? Have we ever seriously punished ourselves for making serious mistakes? Why is that? Is it alright only when we do them? Lets be honest don't we all have this deep feeling inside us that we are somehow right at the moment what ever it is that we may be doing? Well it's because it's true. The reason for that argument is short and simple. That is that for whatever we do we do have a sufficient and convincing reason for it subconsciously. Whatever a person does that person has a good enough and convincing reason for it. In fact that person is compelled to do so by his reasoning or by natural(God given) desires and weakness that rule out his reasoning at that time. For example if somebody shouldn't eat sweets and comes across some his reasoning tells him/her not to, but if his natural(God given) strength doesn't allow him or doesn't resist it enough so he is compelled to do so. Or if somebody shouldn't steal but has no choice in order to eat, even though it may be wrong his reasoning at that time tells him/her to do so. Whether he/she is convinced that he/she has to do it or whether he/she is too week to resist the idea he/she can not do otherwise. I also have to say that anybody is right to feel anger and furious towards certain actions of certain people if that is what their reasoning or uncontrollable feeling is. whatever a person does at that time it is the right thing to do for that person and that person couldn't have done otherwise just as it is the right thing for you(the reader) to read this article right now.
So is it philosophically right to judge people and condemn them based on their actions? You be the judge of that!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Love has an ugly side! (with featured stories after the post)

Love is and has been considered as one of the most appealing and gravitating topics of the history of human kind. Love is a feeling which may be very hard to describe precisely. There are many kinds of love Of course love is seen as and is in nature a good thing and has many positive and useful sides. To begin with God(nature) didn't install love in us just for the sake of it. He(It) did so for a purpose and reason. For example if parents didn't have love for their kids, their children would not have been able to make it in this world alone. The same goes for parents as they age if their kids don't have love for them it would be hard for them to live. Also it is useful for togetherness, protection, enjoyment and so on.
But it also has a very dangerous and ugly side. The first is aggressiveness that arises when one wants to protect someone one loves. This type of protection is very strong and has a very strong feeling behind it. This aggressiveness does have the potential to lead to violence. Not only that, decisions that are made out of certain types of love are usually very unreasonable which in turn is very dangerous. The second is the pain and devastation that one may feel when one looses a loved one. This pain and devastation felt when one looses a loved one is one of the most painful and devastating experiences that one may feel. It usually disturbs the victim for a very long time. The third is the worry and stress always felt when one feels that their loved one is unsafe, unwell or not in a good state of being. This also is a very stressing thing and can disturb the life of the victim make his/her life unenjoyable, stressful, ugly and miserable. The fourth reason I have is the agony and pain that one may feel when one loves somebody and when that somebody doesn't love them back. 
Overall love can of course be a very good and one of the good pleasures of life but it also has ugly sides. One may even wonder whether it is worth it or not. But the thing is one has to find a way around the problems that it may bring.
                                                                                                    By Alazar Desta

  Featured interesting stories on philosophy, science, medicine(Health), technology, funny, strange and odd, amazing stories, inventions, spiritual teaching, Conspiracy news and stories, Controversial news and stories and their links 

Philosophy:-  8 great philosophical questions that we'll never solve.
Science:-   Self-healing engineered muscle grown in the laboratory that contracts powerfully and rapidly demonstrates the ability to heal itself both inside the laboratory and inside an animal has been grown in the lab by biomedical engineers.
Medicine:-   Ebola outbreak in Guinea is unprecedented says agency.
Funny, strange and odd:-   A builder who eats bricks and is addicted to dining on debris.
Amazing:-   Grand canyon cleaner
Inventions:-   Chinese company debuts worlds thinnest condom.
Spiritual teaching:- 
Ah, beloved,
            Today, think about timelessness.  Think about the fact that all time, in the bubble of space-time imagination, already exists.  As your consciousness visits different moments of time, it seems to experience linear time.  Free yourself of that sense of linear time for a moment, and let your heart leap to the Heart of Creation, which is outside of time, and Holds you tenderly, even while you sleep and dream of visiting those moments of learning and history and human-beingness.
            You are a sacred child, a cherished reflection, of the Loving source Itself, dear one.  Dream as long as you feel you need to, but do not forget you are all the while being Held in Love’s Mind.
Conspiracy news:-  Flight 370: What the MSM wont tell you

Controversial News:-     Theater will let teens see explicit adult films despite NC - 17 rating.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Is ignorance bliss?

Ignorance like everything has positives and negatives. It has its downside and it has its usefulness. In fact it is extremely useful and it can be said that ignorance has the potential to bring about bliss.
It also has negatives. For example not being able to accomplish as much as someone who is not ignorant, missing out on good feelings and good things that come from knowing and understanding because although short lived, knowing and understanding has a blissful side and also understanding leads to better results to solving problems.
We have to know that total ignorance is not being alive. It is not being able experience anything at all. That would kill everything.
Being alive and being where we are today ignorance can help a lot in many ways. For example eating something very delicious and not being told that it is a dog that I am eating would help me not to feel disgusted and enjoy my meal. Not seeing graphic and disturbing things while living a normal life would help me not get disturbed by those images and help me continue living my normal life undisturbed. Not knowing that I am going to die will definitely reduce the stress that I may feel if I was dying.
Trying to understand, understanding and labeling everything may have usefulness but may kill the bliss out of your life. But we should not forget being a fully developed human being, not understanding anything will turn your life in to fear, confusion and total chaos.
I guess we should know and understand things. But we should definitely leave a space for doubt. If we try to know and know everything(Which I do not believe is possible) or if we think we know everything there is to know we would have killed the joy out of our lives. We ourselves are great examples of that thought. For example when we were kids we didn't know as much and there were a lot of mysteries. That state of curiosity gave us a lot more joy of life than when we think that we have it figured out like today.

                                                                                                           By Alazar Desta