Sunday, June 8, 2014

Does God exist?(Logically speaking)

The question whether God exists or not is a very debatable one.There are a lot who may argue that God exists without any doubt. There are also many who may argue that there is no such thing as God or anything supernatural for that mater.
The logical question here is which idea is right and which idea is wrong or even if it matters at all.
Using logic here means, the use of evidence, reasoning and also it is logical to always leave a space of doubt and also according to the magnitude of the unknown factor.
Trying to apply logic in this question "Does that exist?" we first have to look at the evidences of both sides. There are evidences supporting each side of the argument on whether God exists or not.
Lets look at them

Logical evidences that support the argument that God exists :-

There are many logical evidences that support the argument that God exists. Here are some logical ones
1) Concept of creation that are mind boggling and even arguably impossible for humans ans science to understand
i) Life:-   Science being the highest and strongest rival to the argument that god exists has attempted to explain where and how life began to the limit of its understanding. But what science hasn't even got a glimpse on is what life is and what power makes life evolve exactly the way it should and how it knows how to evolve. Because evidentialy life knows how to evolve in order to increase its chances of its survival.
ii) Reality:- Science being the highest and strongest rival for the argument that God exists, it has tried and to a certain extent explained our universe and physical reality. But what science hasn't understood is basically the basic question"What is reality?" and how it came about. The most logical scientific explanation for the beginning of existence may be the theory "spontaneous creation". But it nor science have answered or even looked at the concept that vacuum is not a total nothingness if something has the potential to exist in it or if something can exist in it. Nothingness can not even be thought of because there is nothing to think of. If something can exist in nothing it is not nothing but a legitimate place for things to exist in. It is like a page of reality.
2) Science being the highest and strongest rival for the argument that exists does not deal with things that can not be manipulated with :- If it can not deal with things that can not be seen, touched or sensed by senses that we have or can generate, science doesn't deal with it.
3) Witnesses of miracles:- There are too many both today and in the old days that claim to have witnessed a miracle. There are actually too many and most of them tell their story genuinely.
4) Science being the highest and strongest rival for the argument that God exists its theory usually changes:- Theories of science usually change when there is a wider and bigger way of looking at things comes along. So those theories and scientific ideas that back the argument that God may not exist may change tomorrow if a wider scope theory comes along.

Logical evidences that support the argument that God doesn't exist

There are many logical points that one can raise in order to argue that there may not be such a thing as God. Here are some logical ones.
1) Scientific evidences:- Nowadays scientific theories have reviled answers to many mysteries that once, whose only explanation was God. Science has tried and has mostly been successful explaining the nature of things and how they came about, Some of the explanations as we may all know are against the idea of God.
Here are some of them
i) Theory of evolution:- In most religions, it is believed that God created everything and also life and humans as they are. But the theory of evolution, which is the most accepted theory in the scientific community, explains that life may have started a very long time ago when a chemical reaction took place when the atmosphere of the earth at that time which is very different from the one now, water and lightning came together as one and brewed life in the simplest form. Life then has been evolving to this stage through millions of years of evolution.
ii) The big bang theory and spontaneous creation:- Most religions believe that God created everything that exists. But science tries to tell a different story. The big bang theory is accepted by almost all of the scientific community and spontaneous creation is also widely accepted.
The big bang theory states that everything resulted from a big bang that occurred billions of years ago. This idea lacked something, it was, how the first agents that caused the big bang existed.
Spontaneous creation tries to explain that. Just as its name, Spontaneous creation explains that something can be created out of nothing or vacuum due to quantum fluctuation that occurs in a vacuum.

Not only these but there are many theories and evidences in science that are against the argument that God exists.

When we try to apply reasoning in this argument on whether God exists or not, one who is logical has to look at all sides without bias. One also has to put into consideration that there there maybe things that maybe above the reasoning and comprehending capacity of humans. Science is a very reasonable thing to believe in period. But in this case has many faults so one shouldn't blindly take its side in this argument for it would be foolish. One should also not ignore its evidences. 


  1. Life does not know how to evolve in order to increase its chances of its survival. Forms of life that happens to suffer a mutation may be more fit to survive and thus reproduce more often. It does not evolve consciously.

    Looks like you dont know what evolution is. No offence.

  2. Thanks for the comment. @Renan. Your point of view may be one way of arguing the theory of evolution. But my point here is how do you explain the fact that everything that we have is there for a purpose. Our hands to manipulate, our eyes to see, our ears to hear, our legs to walk, fear to keep us out of danger, lust for us to procreate, even our hair, our eyelashes have a purpose. Also, Every species always evolves according to the environment that it is in. Speaking of that amazingly, there are some sea creatures that have evolved to have colors that are exactly the same as their surroundings so that they should not be detected. If not so there would have been life forms that have things that they don't need at all. Even us. Even though we have the brains to survive we should have been burdened with a lot of things that were not essential to our survival at all.
    When you analyze it logically, nature somehow knows what you know and makes a species evolve according to its needs. Even Darwins theory supports this idea.
