Monday, June 8, 2015

Consciousness may be in or behind everything(Even in non living)

Does consciousness only reside and exist in non living things as we see it? Of course living things are consciousness themselves. But even if things seem the way they are, according to plain evidences, consciousness exists even without living things. One proof for that notion is the process of evolution, meaning to say how life forms always evolve in a way that is e\beneficiary to their survival and adopt to the environment that they are in through evolution. The process of evolution is very complex but according to the process itself, it is extremely improbable that live evolves randomly. The logical argument being that there are almost infinite ways to evolve. But life evolves according to the environment in order to adopt and heighten its chances of survival. Not to mention the fact that all members of species experience the same kind of change when evolution takes a step.
Aside from evolution, it is still a question weather consciousness exists in non living things like matter, energy etc or weather it is behind their action and existence.
Consciousness by definition or by nature is awareness. Consciousness is an entity that is aware. Of course living things are aware. It is their nature. But are non living things aware or not?
There are some things that suggest or support the idea that non living things are also aware and also there are some things that make non living things similar to living things.
This chart shows the similarities and connectedness of living and non living things
Living things
Non living things
Living things are aware
Non living things are also aware of their surroundings
Eg:- Atoms bonding according to their needs through awareness of surroundings
Living things respond to different circumstances
Non living things also respond to pressure and according to the law of physics
Living things grow
Non living things also grow and form big systems. Atoms grow and form molecules and compounds. Planets form solar systems, galaxies etc which have their own system of functioning
Make decisions
Non living things also make decisions.
Eg:- Uncertainty principle:-  Indicates that position and momentum can’t be know simultaneously. When observed something of theirs makes a decision and forbids the observer from knowing
Observer effect:-  Measurements of certain systems can not be made without affecting the system.
Quantum entanglement:-  In entangled particles, one action at one place instantly affects the action in any place in the universe if it is part of the entangled particle
Borrows energy to exist
Uncertainty principle states that particles are allowed to borrow energy to exist for a short span of time.

   These are some examples that may incite the idea that non living things might also be aware to a certain level or there may be awareness behind them.
These may suggest that there may be clear relationship b/n consciousness and any material of any state.
To summarize, consciousness is a subject that has not been studied enough and is literally untapped. Of course, it is a very hard subject to study b/c of its nature. It is not something that is directly observable and so it is not measurable and calculable. The only thing that can be observed is its existence through us living things in this universe and some clues of circumstances that may incite its presence.  

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