Friday, May 15, 2015


A political or Ideological power that may evolve to rule our planet until probably the end of time or until whatever change happens to us as humans would probably have to have the following qualities and of course a lot more.
  • It has to be a system whose laws are extremely hard and almost impossible to break by anything or anyone or even by itself.
  • Has to be a system which stands for the benefits of the majority, open for discussion, strictly mind over muscle, logical and inclusive.
  • Has to be a system that is ever evolving to its betterment.
  • Has to be strong enough to withstand problems, threats, rivalries, and have them under adequate control.
  • Has to have a system that roots out problems and threats in their infancy.
  • Has to forge acceptance by an overwhelming majority.
  • Has to always be capable enough in power and in all areas that matter.
  • Has to promote and seek peace as much as possible as a healthy person is one without a disease, a healthy system has to be at peace or has to have threats under total control.
  • Has to always work on mindsets of the public.
  • Has to always be economically stable or even way past that point.
  • Has to roll with the times as much as possible.
  • Has to be capable of benefiting the people in all aspects.
  • Has to have satisfactory solutions for major and even minor problems.
  • Has to be a system that has evolved for a long time.


  1. Voluntaryism is the most consistent (a)political idea I've encountered this far. Everything else is immoral at best.

  2. Voluntaryism is the most consistent (a)political idea I've encountered this far. Everything else is immoral at best.

  3. I do not agree. In everything, there has to be law. Everything, even the universe and the reality that we are in is also governed by law. The law should be unbreakable but has to have a legitimate system in order to evolve to the benefit of the population and thus itself.
